Wow what a week! ✨


What an exciting chilly week of learning we have had! This week we have started off by celebrating Winnie the Pooh Day🐻. Reading all the books πŸ“šand decorating our own Winnie the Pooh’s! On Wednesday we joined in with Venaguary,🍎 learning about all the different food that vegans eat. Even having try ourselvesπŸ˜‹! To end the week we took part in write a letter dayβœ‰οΈ! Looking at the importance (and fun) in writing letters to people πŸ§‘β€πŸš€far and near. We’ve had so much fun on our learning journey this week!!πŸŽ‰

Today in babies πŸ‘Ά we have been celebrating πŸ₯³ Winnie the Pooh day with some painting 🎨. The babies πŸ‘Ά used some sponges 🧽 and dipped it into the red πŸ”΄ and yellow 🟑 paint and made different marks βž°γ€°οΈ on the paper. 

The babies πŸ‘Ά have also liked exploring the palace with our friends, crawling and walking up the steps to the tunnel and slide. They also loved giving each other cuddles πŸ₯° making each other smile 😊.

Today in toddlers πŸ‘« we have been celebrating πŸ₯³ the National day of Winnie the Pooh πŸ»πŸŸ‘πŸ”΄.

We had started the frosty ❄️ morning warming our selves up with some exercise πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ in the garden πŸͺ΄, then decided we didn’t want to be Rudolph so we made a swift move to gather inside in the warmth, take our hats 🧒, coatsπŸ§₯ and scarves 🧣 off and begin some free play. 

Then the toddlers ate some rocket πŸš€ fuel to boost up the energy πŸ’ƒ before we took part in some play dough making, using various colours, tools, ingredients and expanding with in our numeracy 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ skills by using the weighing βš–οΈ. However after they made the fantastic piece they involved themselves with straws and seeing what shapes ⏹⏺ they could make.πŸ₯°

Whilst some of the children πŸ‘§πŸΌ πŸ‘¦ we’re getting arty with colouring πŸ–πŸ–Œ and designing their own Winnie the Pooh. ✍️🐻 

Once this was all finished we carried the rest of our energy into the role play room, played in the kitchen, ate some good plastic food 🍱, read some animal πŸ¦’ πŸ“š, building our confidence and progressing in friendship making! 🀝

This has been a successful Tuesday and a fun one at that!❀️

Today in preschool we have been having lots of fun celebrating Winnie the Pooh day. We have been making some lovely Winnie the Pooh masks 🎭. We cut them out using scissors βœ‚οΈ and then carefully painted πŸŽ¨πŸ–Œ them. 

We also braved the freezing cold πŸ₯Ά weather this morning and went into the garden πŸͺ΄, we had to move around a lot to keep warm but also be very careful because it was slippery outside. 

This afternoon we have enjoyed making puzzles 🧩 and playing with the magnetic 🧲 shapes to see what we could build. We are very clever and made some Christmas trees πŸŽ„, hulk, rockets πŸš€.

Hungrymoose created an AMAZING vegan banana 🍌 bread for our pudding! It was soo yummyπŸ˜‹!

Today was Vegan :seedling: day and we have learnt some fun things about Vegans :seedling:.The game that the children :girl::boy:enjoyed was sorting out the food :broccoli::coconut::grapes::corn: to what is vegan :seedling: and what is not.We also enjoyed playing in our tuff tray in the garden :potted_plant:. There were sticks and grass and a river :sweat_drops:.Today in babies :baby: we have explored the garden :potted_plant:, we’ve played with the balls :soccer:️, and we have been colouring in :banana: fruits :apple: for National Vegan day :seedling:.

Today, is WRITE A LETTER DAY! We explored different types of letters: scrolls, postcards, air mail and notes to our friends. We decided to explore a beach, as the children have been enjoying reading ‘STICK MAN’. The children explored a beach :beach_with_umbrella: themed tuff tray, which contained letters, scissors :scissors:, rulers, glue and sequins where they could design their own postcards for write :writing_hand::skin-tone-3: a letter day! The children also looked at a map and decided where there postcards would be sent to. One child wanted to send theirs to Australia to their Aunties!
As the children were getting creative they spoke about all their fantastic trips to the seaside with their families.We also explored writing as the Queen! The children were writing letters to people inviting them to Buckingham Palace. They also made beautiful crowns :crown:just as beautiful as the Queens, as well as learning that she has been Queen for a very long time. Afterwards they used pictures to draw a portrait of the Queen.But we can’t forget about our dancing :dancer: and singing with our friends. They enjoyed Baby Shark :shark:, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and of course, Frozen!

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