Another fabulous week at MonkeyMoos


We have had a wonderful week exploring lots of different activities around National Days. The children have been enjoying getting all cosy doing doing lots of Autumn activities such a leaf hunt, leaf painting and even using conkers to paint with! We have also celebrated Alpaca’s by having an Alpaca Day!! The children all got to make their very own Alpaca, the children also had a conversation with each other on what an Alpaca looked like and where they had seen them before.

And lastly we celebrated Strawberry Cream Pie Day, the children enjoyed making their very own Cream Pie by using play dough and shaving foam.

Strawberry cream pie Thursday!!

Today in babies πŸ‘Ά we’ve had so much fun 🀩 celebrating πŸ₯³ strawberry πŸ“ cream pie πŸ₯§ Day! 

We started the day getting creative 🎨 painting the pips on strawberry’s πŸ“. We used black πŸ–€paint and earbuds to create small circles ⭕️ on the strawberry πŸ“. We used our motor skills to dip the earbud into the paint 🎨 and dab, dab onto the picture. 

We then explored a strawberry πŸ“ play dough tray. We created our very own strawberry’s πŸ“ by squishing the play dough into a ball ⚽️ and sticking a green pipe cleaner into the top. 

We then explored a red ❀️ strawberry πŸ“ water πŸ’¦ tray. We enjoyed splashing around in the water πŸ’§ and eating the strawberriesπŸ“. We used the red cups to scoop the water πŸ’¦ and move it around the tray. We also used our motor skills to build towers using the red ❀️ bricks 🧱.

The toddlers had lots of fun 🀩 today celebrating πŸ₯³ strawberry πŸ“ cream pie πŸ₯§ day! 

In the creative room we made our own strawberry πŸ“ cream pie πŸ₯§ we used paper plates as our base and we used red shaving foam ❀️as our strawberry cream filling πŸ“ we used paint brushes πŸ–Œ to spread our strawberry cream across our paper plates, to finish off we carefully placed πŸ‘Œsome cut out strawberries on top πŸ“

We got creative and decorated our own strawberries πŸ“ using green πŸ’šand red paint ❀️ for this we used cotton buds to carefully dab the paint 🎨 across our strawberries πŸ“ we loved making little dots on our strawberries and seeing how the turned out 😁

We got messy in our own strawberry filled water tray, our tray was filled with red❀️ water πŸ’¦ and lots of strawberries for us to explore πŸ“we loved splashing around in the tray and feeling all the different textures. We spoke about the colours we could see πŸ‘€ and what the strawberries felt like πŸ“.

Preschool have been exploring Strawberry πŸ“ cream pie day. We have been using fine motor skills to roll and cut our strawberry πŸ“ play dough. We are also creating our own strawberry πŸ“ cream pie by mixing πŸ₯£πŸ₯„ and making our creation to eat and to top off our fantastic experience we will be creating our own strawberry πŸ“ smoothie. So much fun 🀩 and excitement for today full of lots of yummy πŸ˜‹ fruit and full of smell πŸ‘ƒ and taste πŸ‘…. Their imagination πŸ’­ has no limits today.

Today is also Alpaca day so in the writing area were learnt some fun facts about Alpaca’s. Some of the grown ups and children have seen Alpaca’s at a farm and enjoyed stroking them. πŸ‘§πŸ‘¦πŸ–πŸ‘©πŸ¦™One of our preschoolers came in to baby room and read the babies a story. Babies really liked this and did well to listen for a short amount of time. They enjoyed pointing to the pictures and babbling back to the preschooler. As well as having a preschooler read a story they also enjoyed looking through a variety of books by themselves. πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘†πŸ“šπŸ‘¦

Babies have also enjoyed going off to play with the toys we had set up today. They enjoyed building with the duplo bricks and playing with the small people. πŸ‘ΆπŸ§±

Today when the preschoolers went on a walk before lunch they enjoyed going on a nature walk to find autumn things. They found conkers, conker shells, sticks and different colour leafs. πŸ‘§πŸ‘¦πŸ

The toddlers enjoyed painting in the tuff tray activity. They painted an autumn painting using autumn colours of yellow, brown, red and orange. They used a paint brush and dipped it in to the paint and mark made on the paper. They focused well and had lots of fun. 🎨 πŸ‚

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