What a fantastic week.


This week has been a great week full of fun exciting activities. We started the week of by celebrating cereal day were the children for breakfast had lots to choose from. Then as the week went by we celebrated who will I be day. We talked about who we would like to be when we are grown up. At the end of the week we had a day of dreams.

Breakfast cereal – chocolate crisped rice

Happy national cereal day

Today the babies liked playing in the garden they liked the space hoppers and and the tunnel the most. The babies have enjoyed dancing to different Disney songs, clapping and spinning around.The babies have also liked playing on the palace sliding down the slides on their tummy’s and their hands and knees.Today the toddlers have been all about the cereal! we enjoyed using our 5 senses. to explore the different types of cereals and one of our favourites senses was taste! We loved eating the cereal to explore like Once we had done this we used spoons to squash the cereal and listened to the snap, crackle and pops it made.We have also had a lots of fun outside in the garden making different meals with the cereal in the mud kitchen. We have also loved running super fast around the garden and seeing if we could catch each other.

In preschool today we have been very excited to celebrate our national cereal day! We rally enjoyed exploring different fruits to make funny faces onto our weetabix. We have also enjoyed playing with the interlink shapes to make lots of different things. We made crowns, snakes and lots of towers. We also enjoyed some time in the garden we played with all the equipment, we rode around on the bikes and cars. We loved playing in our mud kitchen.

Hope you have had a great day today, Today we have celebrated Who will I be day. We talked about who we will be when we grow up. We have had spider-man, being my grown up and many more. Enjoyed playing with the loose parts and counting the small wooden parts. We counted all the way to 20. Then we practised our fine motor skills by using the letter magnets board with letters and did really well at tracing around the letters. In the garden the preschoolers did well to practise the sounds of the letter T, by playing the phonics bingo game. In babies they very much enjoyed playing with the magnets. They were given different objects and had to work out what was magnetic and what was not. They spent some time focusing on this activity.

Happy dream day,

Today has been dream day and we have been sharing all our wonderful dreams! Some of us created pictures of our dreams, whilst other wrote them down on paper. We then added them to a special jar to make sure that our dreams are kept safe! As the children are creative artists, we let them explore different art materials to create dream catchers. They cut out circles, and then they used pens,pipe cleaners, sequins, glue, scissors, paint and many more creativity. The children were very busy being builders today, they used large they used the large wooden blocks to build towers and used the little blocks to build our houses. We went outside before the rain started we enjoyed running around playing chase., and having races on the bikes. As we got so tired from all the running we decided to play in the sand.

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