This months book of the month is an exciting one and a huge favourite ‘WE’RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT.’ by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxbury. Within our nurseries, we have planned for some exciting activities which covers all areas of learning using literacy as the basis.
We will be reading the story each day during story time and leaving it in our book corner for the children to have a look together or individually. Reading together is such a joy so please do get involved at home too with reading our Book of the Month.
The story of the bear hunt is all about going on an adventure to get to the cave. With this in mind, we will be creating our own footprints around the nurseries. Where will our footprints lead?? You can get involved at home too. Our babies may need some help with their foot prints being painted on but they also might want to explore the paint themselves too! Our older children will be able to paint their feet and each others! What a great way to explore paint and also explore direction too.
There are many different characters in the bear hunt so we will be thinking about how they may all be feeling. One of the questions we often find the children ask at the end of the story is, ‘was the bear trying to play with the family? or maybe he wanted to eat them?’ These types of questions always support the children with empathy- how would you feel if people ran away from you? Understanding emotions is so important for children so they can express how the feel in a responsive way. Feelings can be hard to understand when you are finding your little way in the world, so we spend lots of time thinking about the feelings of the characters when we read stories with the children.
GO ON A BEAR HUNT! Why don’t you get involved at home and go on a bear hunt? As the weather starts to warm up, its a great time to get outside and explore as a family and what better reason that going on a bear hunt? We will definitely be making the most of our outdoor spaces and going on a bear hunt when going for walks and exploring the forest. Who knows what other animals we may see on our adventures?