May’s Book of the Month!!


This lovely and funny story is to try and encourage children to talk about any worries they have. The worry Monster makes them disappear by eating them all away. You get to meet Frettie Fluster the worry monster expert, but when she can not find one of the monsters she starts to worry herself.

Let’s Create our very own worry Monster!!

We can encourage our lovely children to get rid of their own worries by making our own worry monster to help get rid of any worries or concerns they may have and do not feel comfortable talking about. It can be as messy as you like, and we would love to see some of these amazing creations once they have been made. You can make them as big or as little as you like. You do not have to go out and spend any money if you don’t want to , you can get the children to use their imagination and make them out of recycled containers to safe the planet and then decorate them using lots of fun and exciting materials and resources.

Can we relax with some baby yoga!!

Here are some basic yoga poses for you and your children to do together, it will help you be relaxed and get rid of some any worries and concerns you may have. Her are some poses you make like to try, if these are to easy please have a look on the internet for some more fun and exciting challenges.

Can you make your own lava lamp!!

Let’s try and make our own lava lamps to helps us sleep and rest at night. It can comfort us to help get rid of any worries or monster that may be hiding from us. This must be an adult lead activity as you are using some magical ingredients. The ingredients may already be In your cupboards if not you do not need a lot so will not break the bank. The children will find this a fun and exciting science experiment. Here is what and how you can make them, we hope you have fun!!!

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