¡Feliz viernes!


This week across our nurseries we have celebrated Argentina day, Scrabble day and Gardening day! The children have made their own post cards to send to relatives and learnt the Argentine tango! For scrabble day we practiced our letter finding skills and how to create lots of words! The weather has been super crazy this week but we made the most of our outside spaces for gardening day! The children have been learning the life cycles of plants and have been helping clear up our local environment with the litter pickers!

The babies have had lots of fun 🤩 exploring Argentina 🇦🇷 day! The babies 👶 made lots of marks on the Argentina 🇦🇷 flags using yellow and blue crayons 🖍. They used the fine motors to skills to hold the crayons and make different marks 〰️ on the flag pictures.

They then explored in the flower 🌸 soup activity. The water 💧 was dyed pink, purple and blue with good colouring. The babies scooped up the flowers 💐 and petals using jugs 🍶 and cups. They also splashed 💦 their hands in the water mixing food colouring together making it a light purple. 

Later on they explored in the Jack and beanstalk 🫘 world tray. The babies sat and listened to the story 📖 , while playing in the tray. We talked about the animals sheep🐑, cow 🐮 and a dog 🐶 in the tray and went on hunt to find them. They also explored around the the tissue paper and cereals.

It’s national Argentina 🇦🇷day and today we have loved learning different things about the country! 🌎

We started our morning by exploring the Argentinian flag🇦🇷 and practiced drawing our own using our fine motor skills! ✍️We chose which colour we wanted the flag to be and then designed our own interpretations of it by colouring with the crayons!🖍

We then extended the flag activity by practicing of our early writing ✍️skills to write post cards to Argentina! 📮We practiced gripping the writing utensils to mark make how we wanted to! ➰〰️➿The older children enjoyed practicing their letter formations!🔤

On top of this we then explored the world map🌍 by using play dough to make our own country! We used our hands to squash 🙌🏼and squeeze ✊the play dough to manipulate it to how we wanted it to look! We then used our imaginative 🧠✨thinking hats to invent our own names for our countries! 

And lastly we enjoyed learning the Argentinian Tango! 💃🕺We listened to some dance music 🎶and practiced moving our bodies in different ways to do the tango! 👯

Hope you have had a great day.
Today in our tuff tray we did the tray based on Ramadam. There were pretty bright colour tissue paper for the children to decorate their pictures. There were also dates for the children to taste. Some children liked them some did not. The children spent a long amount of time in this tray and also enjoyed listening to their grown up explain what Ramadam is and why we celebrate. 👦👧🎨😋

We have a new home corner theme which is now a hair salon. The children have enjoyed using the hair tools on their friends and grown ups. They knew what each took was and how to use it and told us that mummy’s and nanny’s have the tools that the salon had and some of the children told us that they go to the salon to have their hair cut. 💇‍♂️💇‍♀️✂️
Some of the children went to the park and enjoyed going on all the equipment. Even the grown ups enjoyed having a go on the equipment. 👦👧
Babies have enjoyed playing with small balls. They enjoyed rolling the balls to their grown ups and crawling to get the balls. This helped them to be active and work on their crawling skills. 👶🎾
Babies also enjoyed playing in messy activity of shaving foam. They really enjoyed getting their hands dirty and exploring the sensory of shaving foam. 👶🤲

Scrabble Day! 🔤

Today has been full of letters, which we have been sounding out, seeing which letters are in our names as well as trying to make words with hidden letters.

Rainbow sprinkles! Over at the tuff tray the rainbow fairies 🧚‍♀️ had hidden some singular letters in a bowl. We had to use the tweezers or the different size spoons 🥄 to collect each letter and then added it to our same colour matching bowl. Next we had to identify all the letters that we had collected and then this was a challenged as we then had to see if we could make a word.

Letter hunt in the garden, was our next stop. All around the garden there was letters hiding up ⬆️ high and down ⬇️ low which we had to find. We ran around the garden to see all the different hiding places. Some of us even had ago at writing ✍️ the letters we found.

Moving the sprinkles outside in the sunshine ☀️, gave us great ideas on to make some yummy cakes 🧁 and donuts! 🍩 We continued to use the spoons and tweezers to collect the sprinkles this time to fill them up as high as we could within the bowls. We then passed it around to our friends telling them to ‘eat it‘ as they pretended to take bites.

Outside in the sunshine ☀️ we were all singing using our beautiful singing voices Along to our favourite songs. We then stood up high on the tyre and counted “123 jump!” And jumped off landing on the beanbag. We then had great fun playing catch with the balls ⚽️ and even had a friendly game of tennis 🎾.

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