What a wonderful week it has been!


This week we have celebrated Read A Story Day! Reading our favourite story books has been wonderful. We have also been enjoying the outside spaces- in all types of weather! And we have explored many different small world activities. It has been a jam packed week at MonkeyMoos.

We have spent some of the morning playing in the garden :potted_plant: and reading some of our friends favourite :heart_eyes: books :book:. We pointed out to all the characters, the babies :baby: loved :smiling_face_with_3_hearts: hey duggee the most!!  Some of the babies :baby: enjoyed exploring the play dough activity this morning, using their fingers to feel the different textures, squishing it down into the tray. The babies :baby: liked playing with the sensory blocks, the sensory bottles shaking the colours :large_yellow_circle::large_purple_circle::large_green_circle:together and the pop up farm :pig::hatched_chick::cow: toy. They used their hands to push the doors :door: back down.

We have had lots of fun :star-struck: outside in the garden :potted_plant:. We have been exploring our construction area :female-construction-worker::construction: we have been digging, filling our dumper trucks to the brim with lots of sand. We tried to see how much sand we could fill the crane :building_construction: with. The children practiced digging with big construction spades today. This helped us to develop our gross motor skills and strength!:muscle:We have been investigating insects in the garden :potted_plant: we found worms :worm: in the vehicles :car: , slugs :snail: by the guinea pigs, butterflies :butterfly: flying around the garden :potted_plant: and spiders :spider: hiding in dark corners of the garden :potted_plant:. To extend on this we all read a factual mini beast book :book: in a large group to discover more insects and expand our knowledge. In aide of book day :books::book: a practitioner read to us all we had fun :star-struck: learning about going to the beach :beach_with_umbrella: and how to find our lost mummy :woman-boy:and about different animals and we read and sang nursery rhymes like grand old duke of York, little miss muffet and incy wincy spider. The older children used these story books :books: as inspiration to create their own stories. We used our imagination :thought_balloon: creative and writing skills to create our very own books!:pencil2:

We hope you have all had a lovely day come rain or shine :sparkles: We at Monkey moos have had a super busy day :clap:In pre-school :books: the children have enjoyed some free painting :frame_with_picture: where they used lots of different colours to create some amazing :star-struck: art work !! The children also looked at different books :closed_book: where they made up their own ending using their imagination :thought_balloon:

Even with the rain pouring today, the children of MonkeyMoos had a fabulous day! We started off the day by putting on our wellies to run around the garden with our friends, flying around in our cardboard aeroplanes and collecting mud in the diggers to tip onto our plants. 🫧💧💦 Inside, the children showed off their performance skills by displaying their best dance moves. They enjoyed dancing in a circle, cheering each other on and singing at the top of their voices.🕺🏾💃 We had some team building were we used the blocks to build a obstacle course and took it in turns to balance along, wait until it was clear and then finished with a big jump!🏃🧱

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