
This week the children at MonkeyMoos have had the chance to explore some more amazing trays!!! All three trays this week were amazing and very inviting and the children were able to learn new and different things.

Highdown have created marking Reindeer food tray. The idea behind this tuff tray was to incorporate Christmas and maths together to make it fun and exciting for the children to practice counting and learning to identify their numbers! 🦌

Huntley Wharf have created a winter themed tuff tray. My intent is for the children to be able to be creative together with a winter theme. I used flour, playdough, feathers and pasta so that the children could explore multiple textures while using their fine motor skills. ❄️☃️

Winklebury have created a an igloo themed tuff tray using construction resources. This tuff tray was based around the children’s current interests which is construction toys. They really enjoy exploring all the different types of blocks and toys in the construction area. As it is the winter season, I thought I would encourage the children to use their imagination to build an igloo out of each different type of blocks. The children also discussed which type of block was easiest to build an igloo and the children chose the wooden blocks 🧱🔨

Who will be this weeks winners……….

INTENT ~ The idea behind this tuff tray was to incorporate Christmas and maths together to make it fun and exciting for the children to practice counting and learning to identify their numbers!

IMPLEMENTATION ~ For this tuff tray, I covered the tray in flour to give a snow effect, I used a child decorated reindeer for our Rudolph, and containers filled with different contents of food. I added tea spoons and table spoons around the tray, and wrote clearly how many spoonfuls were needed from each container.

IMPACT ~ The children were eager and excited to feed Rudolph! Some children were able to identify how many spoonfuls were needed from reading the numbers on the paper, this helped some children become familiar with reading the numbers. The children counted out loud whilst scooping out the contents of the container and carefully pouring it into Rudolph’s mouth. The children were also able to use their turn taking skills, to swap containers once they had fed Rudolph what he needed.

INTENT ~ My intent is for the children to be able to be creative together with a winter theme. I used flour, playdough, feathers and pasta so that the children could explore multiple textures while using their fine motor skills.

IMPLEMENTATION ~ I used playdough to make a snowman in the middle so that the children could see one that was already made and used the flour to look like snow, feathers for hard and pasta for arms so that the babies had multiple textures to explore.

IMPACT ~ All the babies were engaged in the activity and showed interest. They enjoyed using their hands and mouth to explore the different materials in the tray.

INTENT ~ This tuff tray was based around the children’s current interests which is construction toys. They really enjoy exploring all the different types of blocks and toys in the construction area. As it is the winter season, I thought I would encourage the children to use their imagination to build an igloo out of each different type of blocks. The children also discussed which type of block was easiest to build an igloo and the children chose the wooden blocks.

IMPLEMENTATION ~ In this tray, we used multilink, wooden blocks, magnetic shapes and stickle bricks. The children chose with construction toys they wanted to build with. In the middle of the tray was a toolbox kit to show it is a builders tray.

IMPACT ~ The children really enjoyed taking part in this tray. They all used their imaginations to build an igloo out of different types of construction toys. They all engaged in conversations while they were taking part in the tray. The children all persevered until they built an igloo of their choice.

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