
It’s your favourite time of the week again MonkeyMooers! The tuff tray challenge. Who will be this weeks winners? Will Winklebury win second week in a row? Or will Highdown or Worthing be the champions?

This weeks tuff trays all have summer themes. Winklebury have created a tuff tray which teaches the little ones about sun safety. Highdown have been enjoying some imaginary play with their own ice creams. Worthing have taken a trip to the seaside. Summer has arrived at MonkeyMoos! BUT there can only be one winner… who will it be!


INTENT: The reason for this tray was to teach the children how we can be safe in the sun. We talked about the importance of suncream and where to apply it. We talked about the clothing what clothes are best to wear and what we need to put on our heads. We also have been making paper fans at nursery to keep us cool.

IMPLEMENT: In the tray we wanted the children to understand why it is so important to be extra careful in the sun. We set up summer clothes, sun hats and suncream and added a baby for the children to make the baby safe. We also added jug of water and cups and told the children this is what we have to drink. As well as this we added ice packs and explained we can put these on our heads and body to keep us cool.

IMPACT: From this tray the children have learnt and understood being important of being safe and protecting our bodies from the sun. They did well to ask the grown ups questions and and did well to listen to the answers. Safe to say the children are very aware of how to be safe in the sun.


INTENT: This week we have created a lovely sunny beach tuff tray to go with the beautiful weather we have been having!!!! We provided lots of different textures for the children to explore. We had lots of sea creatures to look at and find out who lives in the sea. We will be expanding the children’s knowledge and language. We will talk about safety at the beach and being out in the sunshine. 

IMPLEMENT: The tuff tray was filled with lovely different textures and looked really inviting for all the children to explore. There was lots of bright colours which stood out. We used sand and peddles to make the beach effect with rock pools, we also added a few seagull feathers.  We added lots of different sea creatures and happy land people for the children to explore and talk about. We ripped up green tissue paper for the seaweed, we made our own beach towel from colourful glittery card and beach umbrellas. We sprinkled blue and green glitter in the water area and beside the tuff tray was a bowl of water with a jug in for the children to add the sea effect.

IMPACT: The children excitedly came over to the tuff tray and got involved straight away with using their hands to explore. The children used a wide range of vocabulary and expanded their knowledge using new words. Eg “Stingray, Lobster, Starfish and Seaweed” The children played with all the different sea creatures and when some of the children found the sharks they started singing “baby shark”. The children took turns in carefully filling the jug up with water and pouring it in the tray for the sea. We spoke about how to be careful and safe at the beach and how we need to be safe in the sunshine by wearing correct clothing and suncream. We also spoke about keeping hydrated by drinking lots of water. Lots of the children spoke about their own experiences with going the beach with mummy and daddy. We also shared our tuff tray by taking it into the garden for all the other children to explore and they spent along time playing. We loved it!!!!


INTENT: This week our tuff tray was based on our love for ice creams. As it has been so hot, the children have been talking about having ice creams at home, so we thought we would make an ice cream tuff tray as it linked into the children’s interests. We wanted the children to have lots of fun exploring the different textures of the of the play dough, shaving foam and the sand. 

IMPLEMENT: In our tuff tray, we used lots of different textures, we used wet shaving foam, dry sand, rice as well as angel delight powder. The children used their imaginative skills as well as their own personal favourite ice cream flavours. We spoke about what we like on top of our ice creams, whether it is sauce, sprinkles or chocolate. 

IMPACT: The children were very excited to explore the different textures and to make a delicious ice cream. The children took it in turns to talk about what ice cream they like as well as when they would eat an ice cream. The children took it in turns to use the different tools that were in useNext time I will be encouraging the children to make pictures of their ice creams, so they can take them home after playing with the pretend ice cream cones.  

AND THIS WEEKS SUMMER WINNER IS…. WORTHING!! Well done to Mel for a fantastic tuff tray.

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