Rated ‘GOOD’ across all of our MonkeyMoos sites.


We are incredibly proud that we have been rated GOOD across all 3 of our MonkeyMoos sites. We have 3 wonderful nurseries: Winklebury (Basingstoke), Highdown (Caversham), and Worthing and all 3 sites have now had their Ofsted inspections and all 3 inspectors have rated the nurseries Good.

We always strive to provide the best care for our little MonkeyMooers, they are at the heart of all that we do and it is so wonderful that Ofsted have recognised all the hard work of the teams, as well as, the amazing partnerships with the parents and outside agencies that we have.

WINKLEBURY. Rated GOOD on 18th January 2023.

Overall effectiveness: Good
The quality of education: Good
Behaviour and attitudes: Good
Personal development: Good
Leadership and management: Good

“Children are greeted with a warm smile when they arrive at this bright and
welcoming nursery. Staff and children form strong relationships, and staff are
ready to give a reassuring hug if needed. Children are confident to ask staff for
help. Staff take an active role in children’s play. For example, they taste the
pretend meals children offer and crouch down and encourage babies to crawl over
the play bridge. This boosts children’s well-being and helps them to feel safe and

“Children’s communication and language is developed successfully. Staff use clear
individual words with babies, such as naming and pointing to animals in books.
Children who speak English as an additional language are supported by key words in their home language, which are provided by parents. Staff use sign language to accompany words, to promote children’s speech and understanding.”

“Parents are happy with the care and support their children receive. They love
the daily feedback, which they share with their children. They feel that staff
know their children well. Parents notice that their children are making progress

“Leaders and staff understand their responsibilities to keep children safe. They know
the signs and symptoms of abuse and have knowledge of wider safeguarding
issues. They know how to report concerns.”

HIGHDOWN. Rated GOOD on 26th July 2022.

Overall effectiveness: Good
The quality of education: Good
Behaviour and attitudes: Good
Personal development: Good
Leadership and management: Good

“Children enjoy the time they spend at nursery. They benefit enormously from both
the indoor and outdoor environments that promote their learning across all seven
areas. Children are very confident to make decisions about their play. They are
happy and have warm bonds with the staff who care for them. The nursery ethos
thoroughly supports children’s interests. Staff are particularly keen to ensure that
they have a good understanding of children’s home and family lives.”

“Children keenly share special events, meetings with friends and relatives, or outings with family. Discussions with friends and staff also promote children’s self-awareness and developing language. All
children show readiness for the next stages of their learning. Children are motivated and enjoy taking part in their activities.”

“The conscientious manager helps to ensure all of her staff feel valued and that all children, including those who are disadvantaged, children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and
those speaking English as an additional language, are helped to reach their potential.”

“Staff have a good understanding of all aspects of safeguarding and how to protect
children. They regularly update their knowledge through specific training. Staff
know the procedure to follow should an allegation be made against a member of

WORTHING. Rated GOOD on 15th November 2021.

Overall effectiveness: Good
The quality of education: Good
Behaviour and attitudes: Good
Personal development: Good
Leadership and management: Good

“Children learn to do things for themselves, such as serving their own lunch with big
spoons or helping cut fruit at snack time. They grow in independence and become
more confident. Children choose whether they want to play inside or out in the

“They learn to be kind to each other and think
about how their friends feel. Staff have high expectations for all children’s
achievements. They support children with special educational needs and/or
disabilities sensitively.”

“Parents speak highly of the nursery. They particularly value the welcoming and
supportive staff team. They are confident that their children are happy and safe
and are progressing well at the nursery.”

“Managers ensure that sufficient staff are present each day
to supervise children effectively. Policies and procedures to protect children are in
place and understood by staff, such as regarding the use of mobile phones. Staff
understand how to recognise and report any child protection concerns.”

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