
First School (3 - 5 Year)

For Children To Recognize And Be Sociable

Wow, your preschooler is now on the path to formal education and here at MonkeyMoos we understand how important these years are. Our preschool room begins to pave the way towards school by introducing slightly more structure to the children’s day and by offering a wealth of learning opportunities to help them to continue to develop the social and academic skills needed for school. Don’t worry though, your preschooler will still have plenty of time for play, play is one of the most important tools in teaching as children learn best when they are doing things they love. That’s why the curriculum here at MonkeyMoos is based around the children’s likes and interests.
Skills That Children Will Learn

A Stimulating environment where your child will learn key skills through play.

Preschoolers are constantly striving to challenge ideas, work things out and make sense of how things work. At MonkeyMoos our environment allows the children to free flow through the nursery and make selections about what they want to do and learn- all supported by our wonderful tram of practitioners who are there to build on the children’s knowledge at every stage.
First School (3 - 5 Year)

For children to start to develop skills for Primary school

By the age of 3, children have started to make friendships and will often seek out other children to share ideas! At MonkeyMoos we put a huge focus on supporting children to develop the social skills needed to be able to play collaboratively with their friends. Phase one letters and sounds is a Key part of daily life at MonkeyMoos and the children love ping in with the games that make up our well developed Phonics programme.
Your children will be showing an interest in the initial sounds in words and may even be beginning to recognise letters that are significant to them such as the first initial of their name.
MonkeyMoos offers challenge and learning opportunities a plenty within out well designed open plan space. The areas within the room are set up each day with exciting invitations to play and learn to capture the interest of your children.
We instil messages in keeping the children safe and healthy from even the youngest babies, but in our preschool rooms the evidence of this shines through as the children make healthy choices when it comes to snacks and enjoy our physical education activities.
Creativity can be seen all around our bright beautiful play rooms with walls adorned with the children’s masterpieces. Our preschoolers have free access to a huge range or art and sensory materials so that they can independently select materials that match their ideas!
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Interested in good preschool education for your child? Our kindergarten is the right decision!