The creativity of Tuff TraysđŸ€©


Each week we have a little Tuff Tray Challenge where the the teams are asked to think out side of the box and creatively come up with exciting tuff trays, taking into account the Three I’s in the EYFS, which are Intent, implementation and impact. They make us proud each week with the different activities they provide so we thought we would share this weeks winner here with you.

Intent –

One of this weeks National Days is World Ocean Day and as the children enjoy celebrating these days and are currently interested in talking about their experiences in the nice hot weather we though that having this weeks tray themed as a beach would be appealing and very spontaneous for all of the children.

Many of the children enjoyed identifying the numbers that were on the shells, talking about the different textures they could feel. This encouraged the children to talk about their previous experiences as well as ones they yet to make. The older children spoke about why we needed to think about sun safety and the importance of remembering it.

They explored all of the different areas in the tray as well as talking about the types of animals that you will find at the beach. They explored all of the different areas in the tray using their senses and imagination. They used their hands and eyes to explore and their imaginations to explain the smells and tastes of when they visit the beach.

The purpose of this weeks tuff tray was to support all seven areas within the EYFS. We wanted to encourage the children to share their knowledge and understanding with their peers. Using the numbers when it came to counting the seashells, manipulating the sand and water and using the tools provided to aid them for their desired effect. We also wanted this tray to encourage the children to use their imagination and create a narrative into their playing and exploring.

Implementation –

Over the past week the children have shown a greater interest in exploring the hot weather and talking about what they get up to. One of the main topics through their conversations have been that they have visited or are going to visit the beach.

 As previously stated the children really enjoy celebrating the national days each week, one of the National days is World Ocean Day. With all of that in mind we believed that this tuff tray would not only be inviting and appealing to all of the children but also gives all of the children the opportunity to do all the things that they show a huge interest in recently.

This tuff tray supported each of the children’s current interests.

Adaptations were made to the tray for all of the children so it could be both engaging and appropriate.

Impact –

The children have loved exploring this tuff tray this week, it was themed as a beach. The tray encouraged the older children to talk about sun safety and the effects of what can happen if we don’t do what we need to do during the hot weather. The children said “we need to wear suncream because if we don’t our skin will get very hurt and burned so it will be very sore”. This activity was adapted to support and encourage the needs and levels of development for all of the children within the setting. We used a hand on hand technique to encourage a child with SEN, this enabled the child to explore all of the sensory items within the tray.

The tray encouraged the children to use their number skills as the shells included had numbers on them. By exploring this tray the children also recalled one of their favourite stories ‘The snail and the Whale’ as many of them began to talk about the story and recreate it.

Each child engaged with this activity showed high levels of interest and were fully engaged when exploring the contents.

At MonkeyMoos daycare we offer quality affordable childcare to all families for children aged 0-5 years old. We have settings in Winklebury, Basingstoke in Caversham, Reading and Worthing, west Sussex. If you are looking for a Nursery or Preschool on Caversham, Basingstoke or Worthing then please feel free to contact us where our friendly management teams would be more than happy to offer you a virtual or site show around at your convenience.

  • Caversham Nursery
  • Caversham Preschool
  • Caversham Daycare
  • Caversham Childcare
  • Basingstoke Nursery
  • Basingstoke Preschool
  • Basingstoke Daycare
  • Basingstoke Childcare
  • Worthing Nursery
  • Worthing Preschool
  • Worthing Daycare
  • Worthing Childcare
  • Nursery Catering
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